Sunday, November 2, 2008

India is a shrinking ship........jump out of it now

It is with great sadness that i m supporting and advocating brain drain for India.This idea holds water and even gains strength from the ongoing madness of Manmohan Singh's government.The largest democracy of the world is ruled by a prime minister without a backbone.All Manmohan Singh knows is to follow orders from others(no need to mention the name).How he got to the highest throne in India without ever winning a popular election is not only ironical but also highly despicable for a country that prides on its democracy.
India faced and still faces a huge problem of brain drain.Most of it's brightest minds escaped the red tape reservations and mediocrity by fleeing to greener pastures of western countries and remaining there.But this trend has recently reversed,although slightly,so that India now was retaining its intellectuals in IITs ,IIMs,and AIIMs .
And many those who fled earlier were returning back to mushrooming technological sector.
At such crucial stage in India's history,it is very disappointing that our H.R.D minister Arjun Singh wants us to return to the stone age by increasing the already existing quotas for the so called "lower castes".Will this not encourage a second wave of draining brains? So is India going to loose its best intellectuals at the it needed them most?
Worse still there is a talk of introducing mandatory reservation in private sector.Although the compulsion has died down,the congress party is pressurizing the industry to take it voluntarily. So now, all the companies that moved to India from U.S.A., Europe, and other places now faces threat of hiring low-quality workers.
It is highly probable that these companies will quit India no sooner that they come.
It is pathetic that a country that has scaled such great heights should be stunned into mediocrity by the same politicians that were elected with the hope of "Developing India"

1 comment:

S J Mayank Srivastav said...

India has the most ridiculous democracy...whtever problems u mentioned can never be cured in our democracy and nothing could be done when people also support it